A little over a week ago I hit, and most likely killed, a bird with my vehicle while driving over to Ankeny for a bike ride. I felt bad; though not a huge fan of animals (or birds), I don’t deliberately go out of my way to
kill them.
So it seems only fitting that while out on my bike ride today a bird attacked me. I could see it coming from behind me, its shadow soaring along the highway, gaining on me.
And then it struck.
The bird hit my helmet and nearly knocked me off my bike. It then followed me. I was cruising along at 17 or 18 mph and the bird kept pace, just to the left of me. Apparently not satisfied with its first unsuccessful attempt, the bird tried three more times while I shouted and flailed one hand over my head trying to shoo the bird away.
Eventually the bird retreated to fight another day, and I put the pedal down to get some distance between us.
Now I’m sure the “incident” had nothing to do with my entire ride being so much faster than my previous record, but you never know. Maybe subconsciously I rode faster in an attempt to finish and hide from my new worst enemies.