Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 2 - The Problem with Perfect

I have a problem with perfection. It is nearly always unattainable. The perfect story, the perfect woman, the perfect life – good luck with that, buddy. Still, I look for perfect – I expect perfection – and more often than not, I’m disappointed.

Perfection is also subjective. One person’s perfect does not mine make. Praise, reviews, endorsements, and advertising lead to expectation. I can be told that this is the best, and I can be shown a clever cut of what I hope there to be in the final product, and yet I can still be sorely disappointed. So where does that leave me?
Struggling to find enjoyment in the imperfect world.

I went to see KNIGHT AND DAY this afternoon. After watching the previews, I expected a humorous, actiony, enjoyable time at the movies. Summer movies should be fun.

I was not disappointed. This time.

I was actually surprised that I was not disappointed. I’ve been having that feeling a lot recently at the movies. With nothing really of much interest out in theaters the past few months, I found surprising enjoyment in THE A-TEAM and THE KARATE KID, movies based on 80’s ideas I probably could not force myself the rewatch now. I kept the expectations low for those two and ended up the better for it.

High expectations met with KNIGHT AND DAY, low expectations surpassed with THE A-TEAM and THE KARATE KID. Where does that leave me? Should I hope for that uncommon perfection or lower my standards to enjoy what is typical?

It’s a tough call. For ever good day, like today, with its thoroughly enjoyable entertainments like KNIGHT AND DAY (in theaters), JUSTICE LEAGUE: CRY FOR JUSTICE (comic hardcover), A PERFECT GETAWAY (on DVD), and THOSE CHILDREN WHO COME AT YOU WITH KNIVES (finally at a bookstore near me), there are days filled with more of the same, like just another repeat episode of LAW AND ORDER.


Steve Shaver said...

I am perfect!?

Escape Pirate said...

I don't know, are you?

You did recommend BREAKING AWAY, and I did enjoy it quite a bit, so maybe yeah. You just might be.