Monday, October 15, 2007

Partially Full

Over the weekend I managed to unpack and temporarily shelve the majority of my collected editions of comic books. These are are the trade paperbacks, graphic novels, and hardcover comics I have already read. Packed away in boxes are the remaining collections I've yet to read - maybe 2 shelves worth. Once I find them all, I'll put them in ABC order and be content.

I also managed to put up a few of my action figures and toys in the bookcase with doors. I like the Angel puppets - from the "Smile Time" episode - perched on top of the case best. You have to be wary of vampire attacks when coming up to my loft.


You've been warned.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

The bookcases look great. It'll be cool to see how everything looks when you're done unpacking. I don't even know how many trades you have because there was always another stack somewhere hiding when you were at mom's.

I'm always on the lookout for vampire attacks. You can never be too paranoid about stuff like that.