Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Guitar Hero: Metallica - Not for Little Brothers

My brother (he's popular in the posts today) called to tell me that he heard Guitar Hero: Metallica would be coming to systems in March. He was not wrong about that. It'll hit the X-Box 360 (my system) and PS3 on March 29, 2009.

His concern was that there was no mention of the game for the Wii, his system. A little research on led me to this troubling - for little brothers - bit of information: Wii release of Guitar Hero: Metallica is May 31, 2009.

What a kick in the rock nuts.


Ryan said...

Ouch! My Rock Nuts!!!

Escape Pirate said...

Ouch, indeed. Still, I'll let you come over and play my copy. That'll help you pass the time.