Thursday, January 22, 2009

How Did People See?

How did people see before glasses were invented?

I went to the eye doctor today for my annual checkup, and this of course got me thinking about those poor unfortunates who must have struggled so hard to simply see what was right in front of their face long before corrective lenses were widely available. The greatest pleasures in my life come from using my eyes, whether reading a book or watching a movie, I probably rely on my sight more than any other of my senses. It would be a different life - blind - and I would struggle with that darkness.

I was told I need to change the way I wear my glasses and contacts. I need to spend more time in my glasses (which need a stronger prescription - especially in relation to my astigmatism) and wear the contacts for activities and social situations where reading and focusing my eyes is not as vital. I need to start wearing the glasses to work, and leave the contacts for those rare - but soon to be more frequent - moments of exercise and physical activity.

This won't be a problem. I'm not one who minds terribly wearing glasses. And if it helps me see better, clearer, and without so much strain on my eyes, I have no complaints.

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