Monday, March 16, 2009

Week of Vacation - Mar. 16th - 22nd

Double the Fun

In an attempt to double the amount of fun had this vacation, I’m going to try workout twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Now, this might not work everyday, but it’s something to shoot for, especially after a week of nothing like last week (I know, I know; I said I’d not dwell on that - much.).

I will be able to read and review two short stories a day this entire week. There are quite a few collections I want to delve deeper into, and this is a great opportunity to do just that. I haven’t decided if I’ll focus on one specific author all week, or look at a theme. I’ll decide that this first day.


While on vacation from work I want to accomplish something. Many somethings, really. These are all the projects or goals I’ve set for this week:
  • Create a budget – something that will involve a look at my finances, something I dread, but need to do.
  • Read 100 plus pages a day in the many novels I have half-completed, or just started. It would be nice to clear these books off some of the many Shelves of the Unread.
  • Get current with my weekly comics. There are more in this stack than you may believe.
  • Along the same lines as the reading goal, I want to complete one comic collection (TPB or HC) a day.
  • Clean my entire home – thoroughly. It is “spring cleaning” time.
  • File my piles and piles of papers, two years worth and growing.
  • Backup computer files on both computers. I say I’ll do this and I never do, and it has come back to bite me in the (you know) with the laptop.
  • Start a Flickr account in the hopes of pursuing the whole photography thing. I think I’d enjoy it if I just knew a little more, and this might provide the motivation to learn.

While the blogging has kept me writing nearly every day, it is not the type of writing I wish to pursue as a future career. More creative writing is called for. To that end, I will write one short story this week. I’ll also work on developing a weekly comic strip that I can post up on the blog. The illustration may not be great (but it does provide me the opportunity to practice and become stronger), but hopefully I can create something worth checking out weekly.


I’ve been doing the whole exercise and diet thing sort of willy nilly. I’d like to develop a workout plan that moves me toward a goal, but in a way that doesn’t seem too rigid, I honestly believe that the flexibility of a plan is the key to its success. I’ll also try and work on something of a diet plan that incorporates all I’ve learned so far (fruits and veggies, hydration, fiber), and that will easily allow for new learning as the year and challenges continue.

Sounds ambitious for a week, I know. Still, I need something, or I’m positive I’ll find myself sacked out in “the chair” in front of the TV all week long. That is not how I want to spend my vacation.

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