Saturday, March 21, 2009

Week of Vacation - Saturday

I was of a mind that my week was wasted, that my vacation was ruined, but now, at week's near end, I find I am at peace with the week. Did I accomplish the goals I set for myself - not a one.

Did I relax? Yes.

And in the end, that was all I truly wanted - needed - on this break from work. I let myself down on a lot of fronts, but it only gives me something to come back from. Will I turn things around right away, starting Monday? Probably not. But I will try. And trying is all I - anyone - can do.

Today I started the morning off rough. Something was wrong with me - with my stomach? - last night and I couldn't sleep. I maybe caught an hour of sleep between the pain and uncomfortableness of whatever was wrong. I decided to finally just start the day around 6 AM with an episode of Dollhouse and one of Smallville. I then read my short stories, 10 of the weekly comics, and watched 1 more of Fringe and 3 of Battlestar Galactica.

I am going to go back downstairs and read some - maybe comics, maybe a novel (or 2) - but then I'm off to sleep. Tomorrow will hold something. I'll see it when I get there.

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