Friday, August 17, 2007

Shrinking the Pile - August 17, 2007

pile (pil) n. 1. informal A large accumulation or quantity. 2. A whole lot of Josh – more than necessary, or healthy. (American Heritage Dictionary)

Shrinking the Pile is a record of my attempt to become a more healthy dude by losing a large accumulation of weight through exercise and a healthy diet.
Weight last week: 250 lbs
Weight this week: 247 lbs
Change of: -3 lbs

I wonder if stress burns calories? If it does, I may never need exercise again.

I’m very surprised I lost weight this week. I ate out most every meal. I did no exercise. Not that I’m going to judge this week as anything more than a fluke, but it is interesting.

I’m down for some long nights this coming week, so exercise most likely will not occur. I will try to make my focus my diet. It’s always good to have a goal.
Rat: It’s called “Box Me In.” I will sell them a cardboard box and tell them to shove themselves inside it until they see results.
Goat: That’s ridiculous.
Box Me In insert: A few days after sealing the box, you will become hungry. DO NOT BE AFRAID. The box is WORKING!
(Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis)

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