Friday, August 3, 2007

Shrinking the Pile - August 3, 2007

pile (pil) n. 1. informal A large accumulation or quantity. 2. A whole lot of Josh – more than necessary, or healthy. (American Heritage Dictionary)

Shrinking the Pile is a record of my attempt to become a more healthy dude by losing a large accumulation of weight through exercise and a healthy diet.
Weight last week: 246 lbs
Weight this week: 246 lbs
Change of: 0 lbs

And it’s all because I’ve still not created an exercise program and watched what I eat. It just seems like I’ve been busy every since returning from RAGBRAI. Granted, a lot of that time was spent watching DVD’s and reading…so there was time to do all I was supposed to do.

I do need to start running soon though if I’m going to complete that half-marathon (~13 miles) with Ry in October.
Rat: It’s called “Box Me In.” I will sell them a cardboard box and tell them to shove themselves inside it until they see results.
Goat: That’s ridiculous.
Box Me In insert: A few days after sealing the box, you will become hungry. DO NOT BE AFRAID. The box is WORKING!
(Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis)


Ryan said...

That's right. Running always gets my mind off of things...

Plus it shrinks the pile!

Escape Pirate said...

Time to start the running program tomorrow night after work. Okay, well, later than right after work. It'll still be too hot then. Once it's dark, that's the right time to run in the summer.