Friday, July 20, 2007

Shrinking the Pile - July 20, 2007

pile (pil) n. 1. informal A large accumulation or quantity. 2. A whole lot of Josh – more than necessary, or healthy. (American Heritage Dictionary)

Shrinking the Pile is a record of my attempt to become a more healthy dude by losing a large accumulation of weight through exercise and a healthy diet.
Weight this week: 255 lbs
Weight last week: 255 lbs
Change of: 0 lbs

I decided when I began this feature that it would not be a list of excuses if and when I had a week of no change, or change in the wrong direction. What it will do – I hope – is motivate me to try harder.

This coming week is RAGBRAI. Now, this will be close to 500 miles of biking, approximately 70 miles a day, or about 6 hours of riding time, for seven straight days. This sounds all well and good, but it’s the binge eating of tasty food - fried crap - that usually results in very little weight change. My goal is to not gorge myself this year. Maybe this will be just the thing to kick-off the weight loss.

After RAGBRAI I will try to get this feature worked into something more substantial.
Rat: It’s called “Box Me In.” I will sell them a cardboard box and tell them to shove themselves inside it until they see results.
Goat: That’s ridiculous.
Box Me In insert: A few days after sealing the box, you will become hungry. DO NOT BE AFRAID. The box is WORKING!
(Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis)


Midnight Sprinter said...

See Bacon and Eggs post for the goose egg amount of change in this post. Just sayin'...

Good luck on RAGBRAI; I got wedding photography duty today.

Escape Pirate said...

Yeah, bacon and egss probably doesn't help. But I'm not going to blame it all on the breakfast of one day. There was a whole week of poor choices that must have contributed as well.