Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Day with Grandpa

I spent most of today hanging out and running errands with my Grandpa. I was even able to learn a bit about building a garage. Today we went to Menards and a place for windows and a place for shingles in preparation of the garage building that will occur when we all get back from vacation in Wisconsin. I know nothing about building - I'm sure I could demolish with best of them - so it was a learning experience for me. While I didn't understand everything, I caught the gist of it. In my mind it seems like it could be a lot of fun. I may just stop over there for a couple days and see what's up.

A bonus about spending the day with my Grandpa: He reminds me a bit of my dad - how he acts. It was nice.


Ryan said...

You Lucky Bastard! I wish I could hang out with grandpa all day. Instead they swapped out my monitor at work and gave me two again. But at least I get to hang out with a beautiful woman all night. (sucker!)

Escape Pirate said...

Yeah, well, I don't have a job to go to next week. So...ha!