Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Pirate Escapes IV

Here's how it works: the pirate is given five items - as varied and crazy as you can imagine - and a single scenario of peril to escape. From there, things get...interesting as the pirate attempts ANOTHER GREAT ESCAPE.

The Items:
1. Book bag with two textbooks
2. Some pens
3. Sandwich in a Ziplock bag
4. Keys
5. Running shoes

The Scenario of Peril:
You are on a train, alone in your own train car, when the train derails, falling 20 feet in to the river. The train car is sinking. You are stuck inside. And the door is locked. (Courtesy of Allison)
With the water pooling at my feet in the sinking train car, I dump out my book bag. I quickly open the first textbook, How to Swim. I speed read the first couple of chapters and am now able "to swim like an Olympian." I glance at the title of the second text, How to Drown Like a Loser, and toss it aside. With confidence at near super-human levels, I set about escaping.

The water has reached my knees by the time I truly get started. I use the pens to draw a bulls-eye target on the window of the train car. Knowing that I have only one shot at this, I put a running shoe on my hand to act as a sort of boxing glove, and punch the window out. The water floods into the train car. I open my sandwich bag and suck out all of the air stored in the Ziplock baggie. I then swim through the broken window. As I struggle to reach the surface, I cut off my clothes with my keys. The less weight and resistance, the quicker I rise. Once on the surface of the water I breathe easy and float naked awaiting rescue. Another great escape, Pirate!
And that's how it is done. If you have a perilous scenario and five tools of escape to challenge me, please post them in the comments...and you will soon witness: Another Great Escape, Pirate!

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