Friday, June 8, 2007

[Expletive Deleted]

Stupid [expletive deleted] wind! Are you kidding me, 30 mph from the NNW! That means that all the [expletive deleted] hills on my normal ride will also include brutal [expletive deleted] wind as well.

Not fun. It was not a very easy or enjoyable bike ride this morning. The temps were nice - in the 60's - but the wind just killed any of the fun to be had. And my iPod Shuffle finally died. It started flashing all these lights at me and just refused to play music. It is a couple of years old, so maybe it's outlived its time. At least I found this out before I started riding and was able to hook up my iPod Nano to the bike speakers. I just cannot ride without my music.

20.32 miles *hanging my head in shame* at 14.5 mph.

Hopefully the winds will die down before my ride tonight...or I think I might just cry.


Midnight Sprinter said...

Did you know that the phrase "expletive deleted" entered pop culture and American jargon after Watergate reports were published?

Sorry for the previous delete but I had some editting/typos to fix and I cannot edit my comments once posted, which is slightly irking.

Escape Pirate said...

I did know that. I know quite a bit about expletives. In fact, expletive deleted will become my life if I ever find a job.

ComputerChick said...

Buck Up Buttercup! Good for you for getting out on the bike in less than perfect conditions.

Escape Pirate said...

The buttercup bucked. I've been out quite a bit this past week, bad conditions (windy) and all. Thanks for the encouragement!