Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Oh. My. God!
Live Free or Die Hard Review

Ho-ley Moses! Live Free or Die Hard is an amazing movie! I can’t think of an action movie in the past 5 years that was as impressive as this one.

My jaw is literally on the floor. I may have to wire it shut just to keep from tripping over it.

It’s been 12 years since the last Die Hard movie hit the screens. In that time it doesn’t appear that Bruce Willis has lost a step as John McClane. He’s lost some hair – and the rating has dropped to a PG-13 (a limit-stretching PG-13) – but McClane is still taking names and kicking ass.

The story is action-movie convenient and predictable, but that doesn’t really matter. Just like the previous Die Hard movies, we – as an audience – only care about watching the invincible McClane tear through the bad guys and save the day.

Do things go from bad to worse to - damn - totally unfair? Does McClane waste an army of henchmen? Does McClane take a beating the likes of which make you wince to watch? Does the humor, action, and explosions make you bounce up and down in your seat?

Yes! Yes, yes, yes.

There is no way I’d be able to write a proper review for this movie. I’m in awe. The (full) audience clapped at the end of the show. And this wasn’t your loud, obnoxious teenage audience. These were normal folk. Adults, old people – grandmas and grandpas.

The only bad thing about the whole experience, is that no other summer movie will come close to the action and fun present in Live Free or Die Hard. I guess I’ll just have to go see it again. And again. And again!

Spend the money. See the movie. This is a theater movie. Spend the money. It is worth it.


Midnight Sprinter said...

You're being paid by the studio aren't you?

I saw Mr. Willis on the Daily Show on Tuesday. It was pretty funny.

They should of had his sidekick (Mac) come on the show too so he could do battle with the Daily Show correspondent (PC)...

Escape Pirate said...

Yeah, that would have been pretty funny.

I wish I was making movie money.